Exhibit and Display Policy

Exhibits, Displays, Posting of Notices, and Distribution of Free Material  Policy 

Revised and adopted by the Ridley Township Board of Trustees, May 29, 2003

Exhibit and display space is primarily reserved for the purposes of highlighting the Ridley Township Public Library’s collections, services and events. As scheduling permits, the Library’s exhibit and display spaces are available to organizations engaged in educational, recreational, cultural, civic, or charitable activities for exhibits, displays, the posting of notices, and distribution of free materials supplied by an outside agency or sponsor.

The rationale for this policy is based on Article 6 of the American Library Association Bill of Rights which states “Libraries which make exhibit spaces available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting for their use.” (Adopted January 23, 1980 by ALA Council)

The following guidelines must be adhered to by all parties involved.

  1. The Library reserves the right to all display and exhibit areas for promotion of its own activities.
  2. Displays, exhibits, etc. cannot detract from the appearance of the Library.
  3. The event or project, whenever possible, should be tied in with resources of the Library through exhibits or displays of pertinent library materials.
  4. Utilization of exhibit space by any group or individual does not imply endorsement or approval by the Ridley Township Public Library.
  5. The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection, or possible damage or theft of an item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the Library are done so at the owner’s risk.
  6. The Library must remain objective about materials being posted in the Library. Therefore, some materials are specifically prohibited from being displayed in, distributed by, or posted in the library. Among these are political materials which advocate the election of or support of any individual or party; materials supporting one viewpoint of highly emotional social issues; materials advocating religious doctrines or of a proselytizing nature; business and commercial advertisements.

The following procedures should be followed.

  1. All postings and notices to be considered for posting should be given to the Librarian. Anyone wanting to use the display case and exhibit area should fill out the appropriate form.
  2. All postings, displays, exhibits, and distribution of the free materials are accepted and approved at the discretion of the Librarian. Items will be initialed by the Librarian. Requests are handled on a first come, first serve basis with Ridley Township residents given preference
  3. All notices must be dated.
  4. All notices will be removed in a timely manner.
  5. It there is a challenge to the policy, the Director will make the determination. If further challenge is made, a request for decision from the Board of Trustees can be made through the Library Director. The Ridley Township Board of Trustees will issue the final determination in any dispute regarding this policy.